Satisfaction Guarantee*
We guarantee the system will perform as represented. If at any time during the initial six months of service, you are not satisfied with the system or our performance and we cannot resolve your concerns, you may request a refund of the installation fee and we will cancel your agreement and remove your equipment.
Service Guarantee*
Sonitrol guarantees the arrival time of a service technician to your site and our ability to repair your system expeditiously, or we will provide a security guard to watch your site.
False Alarm Guarantee
If you receive a fine for a false alarm that was caused by Sonitrol, we will represent you in canceling the fine or credit your account for the fine.
*Full terms and conditions available from Sonitrol. These guarantees are based on participating franchise locations and their local agreement.
$5,000 Performance Warranty*
Sonitrol will pay the first $5,000 of any loss if a forced intrusion entry is not detected and the proper authority is not notified.
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